STEP ON FEAR: Simple Steps, Remarkable Results – Dr Catherine Yang

A Simple 4-step Process to Overcome Fear and Conquer Overwhlem

Take small steps to
make BIG results

Build a system to enjoy growth
throughout the process

Amazon #1 Best Seller in 4 Categories

Who is this book for?

For people who have no fear in life, this book is probably not for you...
But for the mere mortals like the rest of us, then this book will help you STEP ON FEAR.
Are you sick of fear preventing you from living the life of your dreams?
Perhaps you are a student stressed out from your studies and unsure about your future...
Or maybe you are an immigrant having difficulties finding your footing in a new place...
This book will help you discover your true courage and inner strength to conquer overwhelm and enjoy life with success!


Fear comes in many forms in life. When you let fear domninate your life, it can cause serious health consequences physically, physiologically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Therefore, it is important to learn how to manage fears in life. Even though it is inevitable to experience fear in life, you don't need to run away from it or try too hard to get rid of it until you reach the point of burnout. Instead of feeling emotionally drained or mentally exhausted, you can S.T.E.P. on your fear and to be who you want to be, to do what you want to do, and to live how you want to live for an enjoyable and fulfilling life!

Videos to STEP ON FEAR

Tunnel Vision

When you search for the source of light, FOCUS is the key. So, pay attention with a good intention to where your focus is. Make positive affirmations at the start of the day so that you can visualize your goal with a positive mindset. In this way you will come out of the tunnel, beaming with your smile as the sun shines on your face!


Being capable of taking responsibilities in life helps us enjoy our living and have the power of giving. Discover your self-worth by giving yourself permission to shine. Believe your self-value by showing compassion to others. Life is a reflection of the choice you make. Empowerment boosts self-confidence, builds trust and inspires us with hope for the future!

Purpose-Driven Life

None of our birth was a mistake and all of our existence has a purpose. We all deserve to appreciate and enjoy the abundance in life. Having a purpose helps us to grow and learn. Using the S.T.E.P. framework helps us take small and simple steps to achieve our goals that lead to a meaningful and fulfilling life!

My Collection Of Books

Amazon Book To Overcome Fear


This book is written to give you one of the most valuable and useful tools to S.T.E.P. on fear and turn your fears into cheers!

Legacy B1G1 Sustainable Development Goals In Action


This book is brilliantly conceived and crafted to show how 'ordinary' people can adopt, embrace, and apply UN Sustainable Development Goals to change the world!

Best book to alleviate stress in Chinese


一套創新的 S.T.E.P.『站勝恐懼』模式,透過簡單的四個階段,可以適用於在生活中遇到恐懼並想要克服恐懼的任何人,進而享受美好的人生。